Red-headed Person NESTING Often you will want to apply more than one element to a portion of your page. An essential concept to understand is nesting. Nesting simply means that elements must never overlap. Properly nested elements are contained inside one another, as in the following: Sometimes it’s easier to understand the concept if the elements are displayed vertically, like this: The following elements, on the other hand, are overlapping: Web browsers displaying an HTML page can be pretty forgiving if your elements are not properly nested; however, overlapped elements can create garbled results, particularly if you are trying to construct frames or tables. Also, when you become familiar with XHTML’s stricter standards, you’ll discover that overlapping elements are an absolute “no-no.
HTML Report Transcript
INTRODUCTION OVERVIEW: This is dynamic website which gives all the information about a book store, helps the user to find books of their choice with little bit of introduction about the book with ease. The website has been developed in HTML, JSP and HTML is a markup language which is in reality a backbone of any site, every site can’t structured without the knowledge of html. If we make our web page only with the help of html, than we can’t add many of the effective features in a web page, for making a web page more effective we use various platforms such as JSP. So here we are using these entire features to make our web pages more effective as well as efficient.
And to make our web pages dynamic we are using JSP here. ADVANTAGES • No need of a shop. • Prevents wastage of books. • No need to invest own money. • Wide collection of books. • Store open 24*7. • Effortless and effective searching • Decreases the manpower. • No fear of stealing. • Dealing is fair. Requirements • Language to use-HTML, JSP • Every user should have their own Identity • Login facility should be there • No use of cookies • Purchasing should be done by credit card only • User can purchase more then one book at a time • User can see his/her cart anytime • User can see the full description of the book • Every book should have a unique picture • Their should be facility of searching according to- o Author name o Name of the book o Publisher name • Every user should get the bill of the purchasing with unique bill no • Database to use – Sql • Server to use- Tomcat HTML (HYPERTEXTMARKUP LANGUAGE) HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the language in which, until recently, virtually all Web pages were written. Now, don’t break out in hives when you hear the word “language.
” You don’t need complex logical or mathematical formulas to work with HTML, and you don’t need to think like a programmer to use it. Computer programmers must think through the tasks that they want their programs to perform, and then develop an elaborate (and usually complicated) series of instructions to tell the computer what to do. Although you do need to do some thinking and planning when you use HTML, it is not nearly that difficult. So, how does Hypertext Markup Language work? Hypertext refers to the way in which Web pages (HTML documents) are linked together. When you click a link in a Web page, you are using hypertext. It is this system of linking documents that has made the World Wide Web the global phenomenon it has become. Markup Language describes how HTML works.
With a markup language, you simply “mark up” a text document with tags that tell a Web browser how to structure it. HTML originally was developed with the intent of defining the structure of documents (headings, paragraphs, lists, and so forth) to facilitate the sharing of scientific information between researchers. All you need to do to use HTML is to learn what type of markup to use to get the results you want FOUR KEY CONCEPTS The first step toward understanding and working with HTML is learning the basic terms that describe most of the functions of this language. You will come across these terms repeatedly as you use HTML and if you understand them, you will have progressed a long way toward comprehending HTML, not to mention XHTML. ELEMENTS All HTML pages are made up of elements. Think of an element as a container in which a portion of a page is placed. Whatever is contained inside the element will take on the characteristics of that element. For example, to identify a heading on a page, you would enclose it in a heading element
If you want to create a table, you put the table information inside the table element To construct a form, you need the form elementTAGS Often, you’ll find the terms element and tag used interchangeably. It’s fairly common, but not strictly accurate. An element is made up of two tags: an opening tag and a closing tag. Although it might seem somewhat picky to make this distinction, when you begin to work with XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), it will be a very important difference to remember. If you get into the habit of distinguishing elements and tags from the very beginning, you’ll save yourself some confusion down the line. All tags are constructed the same way. The tag begins with a “less than” sign (<), then the element name, followed by a “greater than” sign (>). For example, an opening tag for the paragraph element would look like this:
The only difference in a closing tag is that the closing tag includes a slash (/) before the element name:Your content goes between the tags. A simple paragraph might look like this:
This is an HTML paragraph.
Some elements do not use closing tags because they do not enclose content. These are called empty elements. For example, the line break element
does not require a closing tag. In the case of empty elements, add a closing slash after the element name, like this:
When a browser sees the slash, it will recognize the element as one that does not need a separate, closing tag. ATTRIBUTES AND VALUES Attributes are another important part of HTML markup. An attribute is used to define the characteristics of an element and is placed inside the element’s opening tag. For example, to specify the size of an image or graphic on your page, you would use the image element
along with the height and width attributes:
Be sure to notice that an equals sign and a set of quotation marks follow both the height and the width attributes.
does not require a closing tag. In the case of empty elements, add a closing slash after the element name, like this:
When a browser sees the slash, it will recognize the element as one that does not need a separate, closing tag. ATTRIBUTES AND VALUES Attributes are another important part of HTML markup. An attribute is used to define the characteristics of an element and is placed inside the element’s opening tag. For example, to specify the size of an image or graphic on your page, you would use the image element
That’s because attributes need values to go with them. In the case of the preceding illustration, you might add a value of 200 to cause your image to display at a size of 200 x 200 pixels: vlues work together with attributes to complete the definition of an element’s characteristics. An easy way to think of how attributes and values work together is to compare them with nouns and adjectives. A noun names something; an adjective describes it. An attribute names a characteristic; a value describes it. Imagine that you are trying to identify a person’s hair color with a markup language. Hair would be the element, color the attribute, and red the value. You might write such a description as follows:
” Why JSP? Javaserver pages enable you to mix regular, static HTML with dynamically generated content. We can simply write the regular HTML in the normal manner using familiar Web-page building tools. We then enclose the code for the dynamic part in special tags. BENEFITS OF JSP JSP pages are translated into servlets. So, fundamentally, any task JSP pages can perform could also be accomplished by servlets. However, this underlying equivalence does not mean that servlets and JSP pages are equally appropriate in all scenarios. The issue is not the power of the technology, it is the convenience, productivity, and maintainability of one or the other. After all, anything we can do on a particular computer platform in the Java programming language we could also do in assembly language. But it still matters which we choose. JSP provides the following benefits over servlets alone: • It is easier to write and maintain the HTML. Our static code is Ordinary HTML: no extra backslashes, no double quotes, and no Lurking Java syntax. • We can use standard Web-site development tools.
For example, We use Macromedia Dream weaver for most of the JSP pages in theBook. Even HTML tools that know nothing about JSP can be used because they simply ignore the JSP tags. • We can divide up our development team. The Java programmers can work on the dynamic code. The Web developers can concentrate on the presentation layer. On large projects, this division is very important. Depending on the size of our team and the complexity of our project, we can enforce a weaker or stronger separation between the static HTML and the dynamic content. ADVANTAGES OF JSP OVER COMPETING TECHNOLOGIES VERSUS .NET AND ACTIVE SERVER PAGES (ASP) ASP.NET is the part that directly competes with servlets and JSP.
The advantages of JSP are – • First, JSP is portable to multiple operating systems and Web servers; we aren’t locked into deploying on Windows and IIS. Although the core .NET platform runs on a few non-Windows platforms, the ASP part does not. We cannot expect to deploy serious ASP.NET applications on multiple servers and operating systems. For some applications, this difference does not matter.
For others, it matters greatly. • Second, for some applications the choice of the underlying language matters greatly. For example, although .NET’s C# language is very well designed and is similar to Java, fewer programmers are familiar with either the core C# syntax or the many auxiliary libraries. In addition, many developers still use the original version of ASP. With this version, JSP has a clear advantage for the dynamic code. With JSP, the dynamic part is written in Java, not VBScript or another ASP-specific language, VERSUS PHP - PHP (a recursive acronym for “PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor”) is a free, open-source, HTML-embedded scripting language that is somewhat similar to both ASP and JSP. One advantage of JSP is that the dynamic part is written in Java, which already has an extensive API for networking, database access,
distributed objects, and the like, whereas PHP requires learning an entirely new, less widely used language. A second advantage is that JSP is much more widely supported by tool and server vendors than is PHP. TECHNOLOGY USED A. Session tracking- • Need of session tracking HTTP is a “stateless” protocol: each time a client retrieves a Web page, the client opens a separate connection to the Web server and the server does not automatically maintain contextual information about the client. Even with servers that support persistent (keep-alive) HTTP connections and keep sockets open for multiple client requests that occur in rapid succession, there is no built-in support for maintaining contextual information. This lack of context causes a number of difficulties. For example, when clients at an online store add an item to their shopping carts, how does the server know what’s already in the carts? Similarly, when clients decide to proceed to checkout, how can the server determine which previously created shopping carts are theirs?
There are three typical solutions to this problem: cookies, URL rewriting, and hidden form fields. The following subsections quickly summarize what would be required if you had to implement session tracking yourself (without using the built-in session-tracking API) for each of the three ways. • Cookies We can use cookies to store an ID for a shopping session; with each subsequent connection, we can look up the current session ID and then use that ID to extract information about that session from a lookup table on the server machine. So, there would really be two tables: one that associates session IDs with user tables, and the user tables themselves that store user-specific data. Using cookies in this manner is an excellent solution and is the most widely used approach for session handling. Still,
it is nice but we are not using this technique in our project because of the following reason- 1. Cookies can be disabled by the client at any time. 2. We can’t store the personal and private information of the client because anyone can hack those details. 3. Only 4 cookies per server are accepted by the browser. • URL Rewriting With this approach, the client appends some extra data on the end of each URL. That data identifies the session, and the server associates that identifier with user-specific data it has stored. For example, with http://host/path/file.html;jsessionid=a1234, the session identifier is attached as jsessionid=a1234, so a1234 is the ID that uniquely identifies the table of data associated with that user. • Hidden Form Fields This entry means that, when the form is submitted, the specified name and value are automatically included in the GET or POST data.
This hidden field can be used to store information about the session but has the major disadvantage that it only works if every page is dynamically generated by a form submission. Clicking on a regular () hypertext link does not result in a form submission, so hidden form fields cannot support general session tracking, only tracking within a specific series of operations such as checking out at a store. Session Tracking Basics Session tracking is a mechanism that servlets use to maintain state about a series of requests from the same user(that is, requests originating from the same browser) across some period of time Using sessions in servlets is straightforward and involves four basic steps. 1. Accessing the session object associated with the current request. Call request.getSession to get an HttpSession object, which is a simple hash table for storing user-specific data. 2. Looking up information associated with a session. Call getAttribute on the HttpSession object,