Presentation On Brain Fingerprinting
Brain Fingerprinting Presentation Transcript:
1. What is Brain Fingerprinting?Brain Fingerprinting is a scientific technique to determine whether or not specific information is stored in an individual's brain.
2. Quick Overview
Invented By Dr Lawrence A. Farwell. It’s a patented technique of proven accuracy in US government tests. Ruled Admissible in one US Court as scientific evidence. It has a record of 100% Accuracy.
3. How it works ?
On seeing a previously known information, a specific measurable brain response known as a P300 or MERMER i.e. Memory and Encoding Related Multifaceted Electroencephalographic Response, is elicited by the brain of a subject.
4. What is P300/ MERMER?
A MERMER is a part of the brainwave observed in response to familiar information. When the brain recognizes something, neurons are fired synchronously, eliciting characteristic changes in brain activity. It is these changes, that investigators look for when trying to determine whether someone recognizes a particular piece of information.
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When a person is exposed to a rare, but meaningful information, there is increase in neuron activity which results in an increase in voltage, typically within 300–1000msec after the stimulus, and that response with increases voltage is known as P300. The utility of the P300 in detection of deception was recognized as early as 1988, However, the P300 has only a 87.5% success rate in revealing the presence of relevant information in one’s brain.
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But Farwell’s test is based on the discovery that the P300 is only a subcomponent of a more complicated response called a MERMER. The MERMER, includes the P300 and another longer latency, electrically negative subcomponent with a latency of up to two seconds post-stimulus
7. It incorporates the following procedure:
A sequence of words, phrases, or pictures is presented on a video monitor to the subject, wearing a special headband designed for detecting the brain wave responses. Three types of stimuli are presented: 1.Target 2. Irrelevant 3. Probe
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Target : The target stimuli are made relevant and noteworthy to all subjects. Irrelevant : These have no relation to the situation under investigation. Probes : Probes are the stimuli that are relevant to the situation under investigation.
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The targets provide a template for a response that will be generated when a subject recognizes a stimuli familiar to the situation under investigation. The irrelevant provide a template, for a response that will be generated when a subject don’t recognizes a stimuli familiar to the situation under investigation.
10. For more info. please refer our PPT. Thanks.
Source: Power Point Presentations