Presentation Transcript:
1. DefinitionGenomic imprinting refers to genes that are silent when maternally inherited but expressed when paternally inherited, or vice versa.
2. All individuals inherit two copies of every autosomal gene, one copy from our mother and one from our father. Both copies are functional but ; however , in a one copy of that gene is turned off or silenced.
Epigenetics is defind as the chemical modification of DNA that affects gene expression but does not involve changes to the gene activity.
4. Epigenetics: Heritable alterations in gene activity without a change in DNA sequence
5. Evolution of imprinting
6. The word “ Imprinting” was first used to describe events in insect Pseudococcus nipae In Pseudococcids or Mealybugs both the male and female developed from a fertilised egg.
7. Evolution of imprinting Genomic imprinting refers to genes that are silent when maternally inherited but expressed when paternally inherited, or vice versa. The most widely accepted evolutionary theory of genomic imprinting is the ‘conflict’ theory.
8. Establishment of the epigenotype in relation to growth
9. Genomic imprinting in mammals
The normal human genome contains 46 chromosome. 23 form the mother and 23 from the father. Thus every individual has two copies of each gene. These two copies of each chromosome, one inherited from the mother and one from the father.
10. For More Please Refer Our PPT.
Source: Power Point Presentations