Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication PPT
Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication Presentation Transcript:
1.Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication
Largest international scientific organization in the field: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Center in USA, national Sections, e.g. IEEE India Council coordinating the 11 geographical Sections within India)
Thematic chapters: e.g. Joint IEEE Chapter of Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, Communications Society and Lasers & Electrooptics Society (Mumbai); IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society Chapter (Jaipur)
Professional membership/Student branches
Special programs for students, developing areas, women, etc.
Benefits: conferences, seminars, trainee programs, supports, knowledge transfer, access to publications/data bases, life career, and many other possibilities
Distinguished Lecturer Program
Spreading of machine intelligence
Smart environments, intelligent robots
Human-robot cooperation: requirements - store, retrieve, update information, interpret and execute commands, understand non-classical communication forms, offer existing and gain new services, …
communication + knowledge representation
new graph based knowledge representation related to Conceptual Graphs =
Knowledge base + Hypothesis storage + Dictionaries
Non-verbal communication by hand signs
Application in Intelligent Space (iSpace)
5.Introduction: Status Report/Problems
Nonlinearity, never unseen spatial and temporal complexity of systems and tasks
Imprecise, uncertain, insufficient, ambiguous, contradictory information, lack of knowledge
Finite resources ? Strict time requirements (real-time processing)
Need for optimization
Need for user’s comfort
New challenges/more complex tasks to be solved ? more sophisticated solutions needed
6.Outcome: We need something ”non-classical” - Intentions
We would like to build MACHINES to be able to do the same as humans do (e.g. autonomous cars driving in heavy traffic).
We always would like to find an algorithm leading to an OPTIMUM solution (even when facing too much uncertainty and lack of knowledge)
We would like to ensure MAXIMUM performance (usually impossible from every points of view, i.e. some kind of trade-off e.g. between performance and costs)
We prefer environmental COMFORT (user friendly machines, easy communication)
7.Need for optimization
optimization = precision
New definition (L.A. Zadeh):
optimization = cost optimization
But what is cost!?
precision and certainty also carry a cost
L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets [1965]:
“In traditional – hard – computing, the prime desiderata are precision, certainty, and rigor. By contrast, the point of departure of soft computing is the thesis that precision and certainty carry a cost and that computation, reasoning, and decision making should exploit – whenever possible – the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty.”
8.User’s comfort
9.Communication with machines
human-computer communication (HCC) ˜ the efficient transfer of
information between humans and machines via various human-
like sensors and motors, and with structures that reflect human
conceptualizations. (Denning, P.J. et al., ”Computing as a
Discipline,” Communication of the ACM 31(1) (1988))
10.Communication with machines
Source: Power Point Presentations
Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication Presentation Transcript:
1.Intelligent Space based new trends in human-robot communication
Largest international scientific organization in the field: The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (Center in USA, national Sections, e.g. IEEE India Council coordinating the 11 geographical Sections within India)
Thematic chapters: e.g. Joint IEEE Chapter of Aerospace & Electronic Systems Society, Communications Society and Lasers & Electrooptics Society (Mumbai); IEEE Microwave Theory & Techniques Society Chapter (Jaipur)
Professional membership/Student branches
Special programs for students, developing areas, women, etc.
Benefits: conferences, seminars, trainee programs, supports, knowledge transfer, access to publications/data bases, life career, and many other possibilities
Distinguished Lecturer Program
Spreading of machine intelligence
Smart environments, intelligent robots
Human-robot cooperation: requirements - store, retrieve, update information, interpret and execute commands, understand non-classical communication forms, offer existing and gain new services, …
communication + knowledge representation
new graph based knowledge representation related to Conceptual Graphs =
Knowledge base + Hypothesis storage + Dictionaries
Non-verbal communication by hand signs
Application in Intelligent Space (iSpace)
5.Introduction: Status Report/Problems
Nonlinearity, never unseen spatial and temporal complexity of systems and tasks
Imprecise, uncertain, insufficient, ambiguous, contradictory information, lack of knowledge
Finite resources ? Strict time requirements (real-time processing)
Need for optimization
Need for user’s comfort
New challenges/more complex tasks to be solved ? more sophisticated solutions needed
6.Outcome: We need something ”non-classical” - Intentions
We would like to build MACHINES to be able to do the same as humans do (e.g. autonomous cars driving in heavy traffic).
We always would like to find an algorithm leading to an OPTIMUM solution (even when facing too much uncertainty and lack of knowledge)
We would like to ensure MAXIMUM performance (usually impossible from every points of view, i.e. some kind of trade-off e.g. between performance and costs)
We prefer environmental COMFORT (user friendly machines, easy communication)
7.Need for optimization
optimization = precision
New definition (L.A. Zadeh):
optimization = cost optimization
But what is cost!?
precision and certainty also carry a cost
L.A. Zadeh, Fuzzy Sets [1965]:
“In traditional – hard – computing, the prime desiderata are precision, certainty, and rigor. By contrast, the point of departure of soft computing is the thesis that precision and certainty carry a cost and that computation, reasoning, and decision making should exploit – whenever possible – the tolerance for imprecision and uncertainty.”
8.User’s comfort
9.Communication with machines
human-computer communication (HCC) ˜ the efficient transfer of
information between humans and machines via various human-
like sensors and motors, and with structures that reflect human
conceptualizations. (Denning, P.J. et al., ”Computing as a
Discipline,” Communication of the ACM 31(1) (1988))
10.Communication with machines
Source: Power Point Presentations