Milk Fat Testing PPT
Milk Fat Testing Presentation Transcript:
1. COMPANY PROFILEA vital role in rural development Product ranges from EMT to solar cells Planning to be a 200 million turnover by 2010 Remarkable performance not only in India but also in abroad.
2. Introduction of EMT
Simple,economical,accurate milk fat testing instrument. Measures fat content instantly on a digital read out. Works on a light scattering principle. It operates in AC-mains as well as on battery with inbuilt battery charger.
3. Technical specifications
Measuring range O-13% Fat Capacity 120-150 Sample per hour Weight 16 Kg. (without diluent) Accuracy (Sd) O-5% Fat: 0.06% Sample Volume O.5m1./test Diluent Volume 6.5m1./test .
4. Principle of measurement
Based on the photometric measurement of light scattered by the milk sample. Light is scattered by fat globule acting as small prisms and proteins. Not only fat globules in the milk contribute to light scattering,but also the proteins may affect the measurement. To elliminate this EDTA solution is used to dissolve this.
5. The range of globule size is limited in milk tester is 0.5 to 1.5 microns. Light rays from photo lamp passed through layer of fluid in cuvette and are scattered. More the fat present in cuvette ,more light scattered and less light passes through the cuvette. The rays passes to photo cell,produces current propotinal to light intensity.current is fed to digital read out which gives fat percentage.
6. Photometer & parts
Photometer->it consists of lamp,lamp housing & detector assembly.detector assembly includes cuvette and photocell. Cuvette->it is made up of 2 hardened glass has ground depression of 0.4mm & other has 2 holes which provides inlet and outlet to cuvette. Photocell->it is selenium barrier\silicon detector photocell. Lamp->12 volts tungsten lamp.
7. Procedures
Diluent->it is used to dilute the milk samples & dissolve the proteins. Repeatability->it is used to check that instrument is in proper working order , as leaks & poor connections will affect repeatability. Calibration->the purpose of calibration is to adjust the instrument to give results in 2 steps one gives correct linearity, other gives correct results.
8. Advantages of EMT
It can measure upto 0-13% fat content. It is accurate upto 99.99% Light weighted. Easily handled. Even without power supply it can be used with battery for a long duration.
9. Thank You.
Source: Power Point Presentations