PPT On Recording Techniques used in Method Study
Recording Techniques used in Method Study Presentation Transcript:
1.Recording Techniques used in Method Study
“It is a systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing costs.”
The improvement of processes and procedures.
The improvement of factory, shop and workplace layout.
The improvement of the design of plant and equipment.
Economy in human effort and the reduction of unnecessary fatigue.
Improvements in the use of materials, machines and manpower.
The development of a better physical working environment.
Improvement of quality of the products.
3.Process Chart Symbols
Indicates the main steps in a process, method or procedure.
Usually the part, material or product concerned is modified or
changed during the operation.
4.Temporary Storage or Delay
5. Outline Process Chart
An outline process chart is a process chart giving an overall picture by recording in sequence only the main operations and inspections.
How :
While preparing the outline process chart we use Symbols of Operation and Inspection
A brief note of the nature of each operation is made beside the symbol
In an outline process chart, only the principal operations and the inspections carried out are recorded to ensure effectiveness
6. Flow process charts
Flow process charts are graphic representations of the sequences of operations, transportation, inspections, delays and storages occurring during a process or a procedure and include information considered for analysis such as, time required and distance moved.
To develop an understanding how a process or work happening and clearly documenting how a particular job is done, in addition of that mapping a process in flow chart format helps us where the process can be improved.
7.Types of Flow Process Charts
Material or product type.
Man type.
Machine type or equipment.
Material or product type flow process chart:-
Records what happens to the material or product i.e. the changes the material or product undergoes in location or condition (includes operation and transportation).
Man type process flow process chart:-
Records the activities of worker or operator i.e. what a worker or operator does. In this type of chart usually storage term is not applicable.
Machine or equipment type flow process charts:- Records the manner in which a machine or an equipment is used.
8.Two Hand Process Chart
Two-Handed Flow Process Chart, is a motion study where the study is done to analyse the motions used by the worker in performing an activity.
In this chart the activities of a worker’s hands (or limbs) are recorded in their relationship to one another.
A Two-Handed Process Flow Chart individually shows the movement of each hand in a manual process. It is typically used for repetitive operation when analyzing a manual assembly process, to help make it easier to perform.
A Chart in which the activities of more than one item are recorded on a common time scale to show their inter-relationship. Man machine chart is the type of multiple activity charts.
Man - Machine chart: One man handling one job or one machine.
Man - Multi machine chart: One man handling a numbers of machines.
Machine Multi - man chart: A group or gang doing collectively one job as in riveting.
Multi – Man - Machine chart: A number of persons working on a computer system.
A Multiple activity chart is a form of process chart recording the related sequence of work of a number of operators and/or machines on common time scale. In it, the activities of more than one item, worker, machine or equipment are recorded on a common time scale to show their inter relation ship.
Source: Power Point Presentations
Recording Techniques used in Method Study Presentation Transcript:
1.Recording Techniques used in Method Study
“It is a systematic recording and critical examination of existing and proposed ways of doing work, as a means of developing and applying easier and more effective methods and reducing costs.”
The improvement of processes and procedures.
The improvement of factory, shop and workplace layout.
The improvement of the design of plant and equipment.
Economy in human effort and the reduction of unnecessary fatigue.
Improvements in the use of materials, machines and manpower.
The development of a better physical working environment.
Improvement of quality of the products.
3.Process Chart Symbols
Indicates the main steps in a process, method or procedure.
Usually the part, material or product concerned is modified or
changed during the operation.
4.Temporary Storage or Delay
5. Outline Process Chart
An outline process chart is a process chart giving an overall picture by recording in sequence only the main operations and inspections.
How :
While preparing the outline process chart we use Symbols of Operation and Inspection
A brief note of the nature of each operation is made beside the symbol
In an outline process chart, only the principal operations and the inspections carried out are recorded to ensure effectiveness
6. Flow process charts
Flow process charts are graphic representations of the sequences of operations, transportation, inspections, delays and storages occurring during a process or a procedure and include information considered for analysis such as, time required and distance moved.
To develop an understanding how a process or work happening and clearly documenting how a particular job is done, in addition of that mapping a process in flow chart format helps us where the process can be improved.
7.Types of Flow Process Charts
Material or product type.
Man type.
Machine type or equipment.
Material or product type flow process chart:-
Records what happens to the material or product i.e. the changes the material or product undergoes in location or condition (includes operation and transportation).
Man type process flow process chart:-
Records the activities of worker or operator i.e. what a worker or operator does. In this type of chart usually storage term is not applicable.
Machine or equipment type flow process charts:- Records the manner in which a machine or an equipment is used.
8.Two Hand Process Chart
Two-Handed Flow Process Chart, is a motion study where the study is done to analyse the motions used by the worker in performing an activity.
In this chart the activities of a worker’s hands (or limbs) are recorded in their relationship to one another.
A Two-Handed Process Flow Chart individually shows the movement of each hand in a manual process. It is typically used for repetitive operation when analyzing a manual assembly process, to help make it easier to perform.
A Chart in which the activities of more than one item are recorded on a common time scale to show their inter-relationship. Man machine chart is the type of multiple activity charts.
Man - Machine chart: One man handling one job or one machine.
Man - Multi machine chart: One man handling a numbers of machines.
Machine Multi - man chart: A group or gang doing collectively one job as in riveting.
Multi – Man - Machine chart: A number of persons working on a computer system.
A Multiple activity chart is a form of process chart recording the related sequence of work of a number of operators and/or machines on common time scale. In it, the activities of more than one item, worker, machine or equipment are recorded on a common time scale to show their inter relation ship.
Source: Power Point Presentations