STORAGE DEVICES Presentation Transcript:
2.Introduction A data storage device is a device for recording (storing) information (data).Recording can be done using virtually any form of energy.
A storage device may hold information, process information, or both.
A device that only holds information is a recording medium. Devices that process information (data storage equipment) may both access a separate portable (removable) recording medium or a permanent component to store and retrieve information.
4.RAM is the main memory where the Operating system is initially loaded and the application programs are loaded at a later stage. RAM is volatile in nature and every program that is quit/exit is removed from the RAM. More the RAM capacity, higher will be the processing speed.
Read-only memory is not volatile, Unlike RAM, when you turn off the power to a ROM chip, it will not forget, or lose its memory. ROM is typically used in computers to hold the small BIOS program that initially boots up the computer, and it is used in printers to hold built-in fonts.
Source: Power Point Presentations
2.Introduction A data storage device is a device for recording (storing) information (data).Recording can be done using virtually any form of energy.
A storage device may hold information, process information, or both.
A device that only holds information is a recording medium. Devices that process information (data storage equipment) may both access a separate portable (removable) recording medium or a permanent component to store and retrieve information.
4.RAM is the main memory where the Operating system is initially loaded and the application programs are loaded at a later stage. RAM is volatile in nature and every program that is quit/exit is removed from the RAM. More the RAM capacity, higher will be the processing speed.
Read-only memory is not volatile, Unlike RAM, when you turn off the power to a ROM chip, it will not forget, or lose its memory. ROM is typically used in computers to hold the small BIOS program that initially boots up the computer, and it is used in printers to hold built-in fonts.
Source: Power Point Presentations