Addressing Modes Presentation Transcript:
1.Addressing Modes
2.Data Addressing Modes
Fig.3.1 illustrates the MOV instruction and defines the direction of data flow
Fig.3.2 shows all possible data variations of the data-addressing modes using the MOV instruction
Register adressing: MOV CX,DX or MOV ECX,EDX
Immediate addressing: MOV AL,22H or MOV EAX,12345678H
Direct addressing: MOV CX,LIST
3.Base-plus-index adressing: MOV [BX+DI], CL or MOV [EAX+EBX],CL
Register relative addressing: MOV AX,[BX+4] or MOV AX,ARRAY[BX]
Base relative-plus-index addressing: MOV AX,ARRAY[BX+DI] or MOV AX,[BX+DI+4]
Scaled-index addressing: MOV EDX,[EAX+4*EBX]
4.Register Addressing
It is the most common form and is the easiest to apply
Microprocessor contains 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit registers
Never mix an 8-bit register with a 16-bit register, 16-bit register with a 32-bit register, etc., because this results in an error when assembled
Table 3.1 shows many variations of register move instructions
Fig.3.3 shows the operation of the MOV BC,CX instruction
5.Example 3.1 shows a sequence of assembled instructions that copy various data between 8-, 16-, and 32-bit registers
6.Immediate Addressing
The term immediate implies that the data immediately follow the hexadecimal opcode in the memory
Immediate are constant data
The MOV immediate instruction transfers a copy of the immediate data into a register or a memory location
Fig.3.4 shows the source data (sometimes preceded by #) overwrite the destination data
The instruction copies the 13456H into register AX
7.Register Addressing
Example 3.2 shows various immeidate instructions in a short program that placess a 0000H into the 16-bit registers AX, BX, CX
8.Direct Data Addressing
There two basic forms of direct data addressing:
direct addressing, which applies to a MOV bet-ween a memory location and AL, AX or EAX
displacement addressing, which applies to almost any instruction in the instruction set
Direct Addressing: MOV AL,DATA (Fig.3.5)
Table 3.3 lists the three direct addressed instruc-tion
A MOV instruction is 3-byte long instruction
9.Direct Data Addressing
Displacement Addressing: MOV CL,DATA
almost identical with direct addressing except that the instruction is four bytes wide
10.Register Indirect Addressing
It allows data to be addressed at any memory location through an offset address held in any of the following register: BP, BX, DI, and SI
MOV AX,[BX] Fig.3.6
Data segment is used by default with register indirect addressing or any other addressing mode that uses BX, DI, or SI to address memory
If register BP addresses memory, the stack segment is used by default
11.Sometimes, indirect addressing requires spe-cifying the size of the data with the special assembler directive BYTE PTR, WORD PTR or DWORD PTR
These indicate the size of the memory data addressed by the memory pointer (PTR)
Indirect addressing allows a program to refer to a tabular data located in the memory sys-tem (Fig.3.7 & Example 3.6)
12.Base-Plus-Index Addressing
It indirectly addresses memory data
In 8086 - 80286, this use a base register (BP or BX, holds the beginning location of a memory array) and an index register (DI or SI, ) to indirectly addresses memory
In 80386 and above, this type of addressing allows the combination of any two 32-bit extended registers except #SP
Figure 3.8 shows the sample instruction of locating data with this scheme
13.The major use of this type of addressing is to address elements in a memory array
Fig.3.9 shows the use of BX (base) and DI (index) to access an element in an array of data)
Study Table 3.6 and Example 3.7 as well
14.Register Relative Addressing
In its, the data in a segment of memory are addressed by adding the displacement to the contents of a base ro and index register (BP, BX, DI, or SI)
Fig.3.10 shows the operation of the MOV AX,[BX+ 1000H] instruction
The displacement can be a number added to the register within the [ ], as in MOV AL,[DI+2], or it can be a displacement substracted from the register, as in MOV AL,[SI-1]
15.It is possible to address array data with regis-ter relative addressing such as one does with base-plus-index addressing
See Fig.3.11 and study the example 3.8
Source: Power Point Presentations