PTW SYSTEM Presentation Transcript
2.PTW System
The workman for his own safety must ensure that he does not work on equipment without work permit
The workman should read carefully the contents of PTW and ensure that the permit has been issued on the same equipment for which it was required and also ensure that the equipment is safe to work.
If the work is to be carried by group on an item of plant ,the group leader will draw the permit and explain to whole group.
The workman for his own safety must ensure that he does not work on equipment without work permit
The workman should read carefully the contents of PTW and ensure that the permit has been issued on the same equipment for which it was required and also ensure that the equipment is safe to work.
If the work is to be carried by group on an item of plant ,the group leader will draw the permit and explain to whole group.
3.All copies of a permit to work (PTW) must be signed when they are issued or cancelled.
PTW must not be signed expect in the presence of the engineer issuing or canceling it.
On PTW, recipient will be required to sign a statement that he has completed the work before PTW is cancelled.
PTW must be cleared by the person signing for receipt.
In case of carried over job the superviser or Engineer I/C will return the permit and sign.
PTW must not be signed expect in the presence of the engineer issuing or canceling it.
On PTW, recipient will be required to sign a statement that he has completed the work before PTW is cancelled.
PTW must be cleared by the person signing for receipt.
In case of carried over job the superviser or Engineer I/C will return the permit and sign.
4.Procedure for Issue of PTW
Expect in case of emergency, permits to work should be issued only against the presentation of an isolation request, describing the isolation required, from maintenance department.
Person presenting themselves to collect PTW, should be fully familiar with the job and details of works to be done so that isolation request and permits can be matched.
All copies of PTW must be singed both at receipt and at clearance
Receipt and clearance signatures must be made only in presence of S.C.E./ Unit in charge.
Expect in case of emergency, permits to work should be issued only against the presentation of an isolation request, describing the isolation required, from maintenance department.
Person presenting themselves to collect PTW, should be fully familiar with the job and details of works to be done so that isolation request and permits can be matched.
All copies of PTW must be singed both at receipt and at clearance
Receipt and clearance signatures must be made only in presence of S.C.E./ Unit in charge.
5.Permits to work should be issued between specified hours.and permitee should be available at that time to receive ptw
PTW’s should be signed for clearance by the person who signed for receipt. Where this is not possible and in case of mechanical permits only, person singing for clearance must at least be a supervisor.
Whenever a job is permanently transferred from one person to another, the permit should be cancelled and reissued, the amendment of a PTW is prohibited.
PTW’s should be signed for clearance by the person who signed for receipt. Where this is not possible and in case of mechanical permits only, person singing for clearance must at least be a supervisor.
Whenever a job is permanently transferred from one person to another, the permit should be cancelled and reissued, the amendment of a PTW is prohibited.
6.Procedure for Issue of PTW
When change in isolation becomes necessary, the permit shall be cancelled and reissued. Work on medium/low voltage equipments should be done when they are dead.
At least two isolations should be in service in case of electrical permit.
In case of emergency, when Shift Charge Engineer initiates the action, an emergency job card should be made available from within the operation department giving details of the work to be done .
Do not operate - Caution boards should be put on items under PTW.
When change in isolation becomes necessary, the permit shall be cancelled and reissued. Work on medium/low voltage equipments should be done when they are dead.
At least two isolations should be in service in case of electrical permit.
In case of emergency, when Shift Charge Engineer initiates the action, an emergency job card should be made available from within the operation department giving details of the work to be done .
Do not operate - Caution boards should be put on items under PTW.
7.Receipt of Permit to Work
The permitee must ensure before start work on equipment that;
It is isolated electrically or mechanically or both as the case may be.
Equipment is locked in isolated condition.
Isolation tag is tied with equipment.
It is the responsibility of Shift Charge Engineer/control engr. issuing the PTW to ensure that the person is familiar with the nature and extent of the work to be done.
The permitee must ensure before start work on equipment that;
It is isolated electrically or mechanically or both as the case may be.
Equipment is locked in isolated condition.
Isolation tag is tied with equipment.
It is the responsibility of Shift Charge Engineer/control engr. issuing the PTW to ensure that the person is familiar with the nature and extent of the work to be done.
8.When it is unavoidable, a person of higher rank can also draw the permit; but it will be the responsibility of this person to ensure that the men under his charge are acquainted with the plant to be worked on, the work to be done and limitations imposed by safety requirements.
When a person is required to work along with a number of other individuals, the PTW for the whole job should be read personally by everyone before they start the work.
When a person is required to work along with a number of other individuals, the PTW for the whole job should be read personally by everyone before they start the work.
9.In case of electrical permits, it is not permissible for supervisors to draw permits unless they perform the work themselves or supervise it continuously and directly.
In case of cross permit it will be the responsibility of shift charge engr./control engr to ensure that before taking the equipment in service all the permits are retuned and cancelled.
In case of cross permit it will be the responsibility of shift charge engr./control engr to ensure that before taking the equipment in service all the permits are retuned and cancelled.
10. Flow path of work order
11. E&M Safety Rules
NTPC has prepared Safety Rules for Electrical & Mechanical in association with the National Power, U.K. The experts have visited several times to NTPC Projects to study the implementation of these rules and practicability.
They also provided training to NTPC executives to ensure the safety of the employees working on plant and apparatus to which these Safety Rules apply are safeguarded from hazards arising from electrical – mechanical systems.
The Rules consists of Sections covering General provisions, basic safety rules, safety documents and keys, responsibility of the persons and code of practices.
The PTW system should be suitably designed and followed to ensure safety at work place.
NTPC has prepared Safety Rules for Electrical & Mechanical in association with the National Power, U.K. The experts have visited several times to NTPC Projects to study the implementation of these rules and practicability.
They also provided training to NTPC executives to ensure the safety of the employees working on plant and apparatus to which these Safety Rules apply are safeguarded from hazards arising from electrical – mechanical systems.
The Rules consists of Sections covering General provisions, basic safety rules, safety documents and keys, responsibility of the persons and code of practices.
The PTW system should be suitably designed and followed to ensure safety at work place.