REVEAL.JS Presentation Transcript:
1.Reveal.js is a framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. It is a JavaScript framework for creating beautiful and interactive presentations in web applications. Presentation slides are written in HTML or markdown.
Reveal.js was created by Hakim EL Hattab- a Swedish developer working with interactivity, graphics and animation. Hakim has completed a number of personal projects including campaign sites in Flash, web apps in HTML, desktop apps in AIR, experimental HTML5 and CSS3 projects as well as mobile development.
reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, markdown contents, PDF export, speaker notes and a JavaScript API. It's best viewed in a browser with support for CSS 3D transforms but fallbacks are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere.
Reveal.js presentations are responsive: they look as good on a mobile phone as on a 30? screen with no code changes needed.
Reveal.js consists of one single JavaScript file and two style sheets. The first style sheet defines some common styles, while the second contains the layout of a standard theme, you could build upon. This theme defines the look of the important parts of your presentations as there are text, pictures and links. Themes in Reveal.js can easily be customized as the style sheet is very well structured and easy to comprehend. Transitions between slides, if you like to use this wizardry, are established through CSS 3D transitions.
reveal.js remains a closer ancestor to Slide Share and PowerPoint in its linear presentation form.
2. Markdown/HTML could be used to form presentations
Extended Navigation Possible- mouse navigation in addition to keyboard navigation
WORKS IN MOBILEs/Ipads -fine JavaScript framework- works on Android or iPad without the need for additional tools
Segment presentations and nesting of slides– sections could be nested and arrow keys used to navigate between sections.
Use your gamepad as a remote to control your slides needs an up to date browser with gamepad support (e.g. current chrome)
Free presentation authoring tool / to export or publish reveal.js presentations quickly.
Zooming application / ZOOM.js - Hold down alt and click on any element to zoom in on it using zoom.js.
Integrated with other Applications – slides and cornify.
Cornify is the #1 unicorn and rainbow service worldwide, spreading sparkly happiness
around the world.
Manage decks - private decks/shared decks.
Export to PDF
Deck revision history
Slides editor are stored as HTML documents – raw HTML source of your slides can be edited.
Can syncall all work on slides using Dropbox. To view your offline decks navigate to the /Apps/Slides App directory within your Dropbox folder and open any of the deck HTML files. Dropbox could be used to retrieve the work into computers,phones or tablets wherever you are.
You can select from different transitions, like: Cube - Page - Concave - Zoom - Linear - Fade - None -Default
Reveal.js comes with a few themes built in: Sky - Beige - Simple - Serif - Night - Default
Additionally custom events can be triggered on a per slide basis by binding to the data-state name.
FRAGMENTED VIEWS - any type, of view, fragments
5.Only a small amount of users who can understand the functionalities could use it. As with most open source projects like this, you are simply expected to know how to look through the source and to do some experiments on your own.
Requirement to have a high graded browsers to support the application
Source: Power Point Presentations