GENERATOR And AUXILIARIES Presentation Transcript
2.Presentation outline
Seal Oil System line up
Hydrogen filling
Stator Water System line up
Generator Synchronization
LP heater charging
Load Raising
LP & HP heater charging
Seal Oil System line up
Hydrogen filling
Stator Water System line up
Generator Synchronization
LP heater charging
Load Raising
LP & HP heater charging
Commissioning of seal oil system will be required when the
1) generator to be filled with hydrogen or air.
2) machine to be put on barring gear
Prior to commissioning make sure that all instruments and devices are ready for operation after calibration, overhauling and trial.
Commissioning of seal oil system will be required when the
1) generator to be filled with hydrogen or air.
2) machine to be put on barring gear
Prior to commissioning make sure that all instruments and devices are ready for operation after calibration, overhauling and trial.
5.Seal oil system has to be filled with oil
Prerequisite for oil filling
1) set all level switches
2) close all stop and non-return shut off valves
3) open all pressure gauge and pressure switches isolating valves
4) open pressure transducer isolating valves
5) open isolating valves of impulse lines of differential pressure regulator
6) bearing lube oil system is in service
Prerequisite for oil filling
1) set all level switches
2) close all stop and non-return shut off valves
3) open all pressure gauge and pressure switches isolating valves
4) open pressure transducer isolating valves
5) open isolating valves of impulse lines of differential pressure regulator
6) bearing lube oil system is in service
6.Open isolating valve of seal oil storage tank to seal oil system. Oil will start filling the seal oil system
Open valves in oil flow path
Take coolers and filters into service
After oil is filled up into the system level will be visible in the gauge glass of the SOT
Take governing oil system into service
Start AC seal oil pump
To clear air locking seal oil pump should be switched on and off till its discharge pressure gauges shows a constant pressure
Vent DPRV-A and DPRV-B
Open valves in oil flow path
Take coolers and filters into service
After oil is filled up into the system level will be visible in the gauge glass of the SOT
Take governing oil system into service
Start AC seal oil pump
To clear air locking seal oil pump should be switched on and off till its discharge pressure gauges shows a constant pressure
Vent DPRV-A and DPRV-B
7.Vent both the coolers one by one
Vent filters
Vent pressure gauges, pressure switches and transmitters
Set seal oil pressure by DPRV-A
Stop AC seal oil pump and set DPRV-B (<0.3Kg/cm2 from DPRV-A)
Set thrust oil pressure (0.5 Kg/cm2 more than seal oil pressure)
Take vacuum pump into service and adjust SOT vacuum as recommended
Vent filters
Vent pressure gauges, pressure switches and transmitters
Set seal oil pressure by DPRV-A
Stop AC seal oil pump and set DPRV-B (<0.3Kg/cm2 from DPRV-A)
Set thrust oil pressure (0.5 Kg/cm2 more than seal oil pressure)
Take vacuum pump into service and adjust SOT vacuum as recommended
8.Check all the meter readings are within limit
Check seal oil flow is as per system requirement.
Check automatic starting of stand by DC seal oil pump by different interlocks including alarm
Check function of level switch of SOT, seal oil storage tank and pre-chambers
After seal oil temperature reaches 300C start cooling water flow to seal oil cooler and adjust the flow in such a way so that the seal oil temperature is maintained at 400C
Check seal oil flow is as per system requirement.
Check automatic starting of stand by DC seal oil pump by different interlocks including alarm
Check function of level switch of SOT, seal oil storage tank and pre-chambers
After seal oil temperature reaches 300C start cooling water flow to seal oil cooler and adjust the flow in such a way so that the seal oil temperature is maintained at 400C
10. Purging of Air By CO2
13.For commissioning the system the system has to be filled up first
Prerequisites for filling the cooling circuits
Circuit should be flushed
Installation of pump and motors after O/H
Filters cleaned and boxed up
Coolers and all other components are boxed up
Ion exchanger is ready and is in service
All instruments and measuring devices are in position after their calibration
Prerequisites for filling the cooling circuits
Circuit should be flushed
Installation of pump and motors after O/H
Filters cleaned and boxed up
Coolers and all other components are boxed up
Ion exchanger is ready and is in service
All instruments and measuring devices are in position after their calibration
14. System should be lined up for filling.
Complete stator water system should be filled with DM water having required quality.
All air should be vented from the system before starting of the pump.
Take trial of the water pumps.
Check the stand by pump for automatic starting
Adjust level regulator in the expansion tank.
Check all the instruments and meters for their proper functioning.
Complete stator water system should be filled with DM water having required quality.
All air should be vented from the system before starting of the pump.
Take trial of the water pumps.
Check the stand by pump for automatic starting
Adjust level regulator in the expansion tank.
Check all the instruments and meters for their proper functioning.
15.Adjust make up water pressure around 2.0Kg/cm2
Adjust small water flow through the gas trap
Check there is no leakage of water in the system
Take ejector into service
Take one cooler into service
Check emergency switching in circuit of the stand by water pump
Check high and low alarm of the expansion tank
Check high conductivity alarm and tripping
Check pump discharge pr., filter diff. pr., conductivity, flow, inlet winding pr., winding diff. pr., vacuum in expansion tank, motors current
Adjust small water flow through the gas trap
Check there is no leakage of water in the system
Take ejector into service
Take one cooler into service
Check emergency switching in circuit of the stand by water pump
Check high and low alarm of the expansion tank
Check high conductivity alarm and tripping
Check pump discharge pr., filter diff. pr., conductivity, flow, inlet winding pr., winding diff. pr., vacuum in expansion tank, motors current
17. Check before synchronisation
CHECK all the generator Parameters are healthy
Stator cooling water flow more than 21 T/Hr.
Stator cooling water temp less than 40 oC.
Cold end hydrogen temp less than 40 oC
Seal oil pressure at turbine and 5.0 KSC
Seal oil pressure at exciter end 5.0 KSC
Seals oil D.P. between1.2 -1.5 KSC
Generator stator water specific conductivity is less than 5 m mho/cm
Gen. hydrogen and stator water coolers are charged and ''Clarified water pressure to hydrogen & stator water coolers low'‘ alarm is not on.
CHECK all the generator Parameters are healthy
Stator cooling water flow more than 21 T/Hr.
Stator cooling water temp less than 40 oC.
Cold end hydrogen temp less than 40 oC
Seal oil pressure at turbine and 5.0 KSC
Seal oil pressure at exciter end 5.0 KSC
Seals oil D.P. between1.2 -1.5 KSC
Generator stator water specific conductivity is less than 5 m mho/cm
Gen. hydrogen and stator water coolers are charged and ''Clarified water pressure to hydrogen & stator water coolers low'‘ alarm is not on.
18. CHECK before closing the field breaker before synchronization
Turbine RPM is more than 2980 rpm. Generator isolators are closed from switchyard.
Generator excitation control is on REMOTE.
Generator excitation control is on MANUAL OR AUTO.
AUTO/MANUAL excitation controllers are on HOME position.
CLOSE the generator field breaker.
Generator field breaker gets closed & Generator voltage increases to 10 KV, 15.75 KV approx. on manual / auto excitation control, respectively.
RAISE generator excitation manually, to raise gen. voltage.
CHECK all the generator voltages (phase to phase).
All the three phases should read equal voltages
SWITCH-ON the synchroscope to CHECK mode.
IN-COMING/RUNNING voltages and frequencies start showing on their Corresponding meters.
Alternatively synchroscope is put on Check mode and auto synchroniser can be switched on.
Synchroscope needle starts rotating at a rate proportional to difference between the generator and grid frequencies.
ADJUST turbine speed reference to match generator freq with the grid (running).
ADJUST generator excitation to match the gen. voltage with that of grid.
As synchroscope needle comes to 11'O clock position (clockwise), the green CHECK lamp comes on & the red lamp goes off. At 12' O clock position the check lamp goes off and red lamp comes on again.
Turbine RPM is more than 2980 rpm. Generator isolators are closed from switchyard.
Generator excitation control is on REMOTE.
Generator excitation control is on MANUAL OR AUTO.
AUTO/MANUAL excitation controllers are on HOME position.
CLOSE the generator field breaker.
Generator field breaker gets closed & Generator voltage increases to 10 KV, 15.75 KV approx. on manual / auto excitation control, respectively.
RAISE generator excitation manually, to raise gen. voltage.
CHECK all the generator voltages (phase to phase).
All the three phases should read equal voltages
SWITCH-ON the synchroscope to CHECK mode.
IN-COMING/RUNNING voltages and frequencies start showing on their Corresponding meters.
Alternatively synchroscope is put on Check mode and auto synchroniser can be switched on.
Synchroscope needle starts rotating at a rate proportional to difference between the generator and grid frequencies.
ADJUST turbine speed reference to match generator freq with the grid (running).
ADJUST generator excitation to match the gen. voltage with that of grid.
As synchroscope needle comes to 11'O clock position (clockwise), the green CHECK lamp comes on & the red lamp goes off. At 12' O clock position the check lamp goes off and red lamp comes on again.
20. When the voltage and frequency match, the synchroscope will move very slowly in the clockwise direction. This position shows that:
i) Phase sequence of generated voltage and system voltage is same.
ii) Effective values of both the voltage are same.
iii) Frequency of both the system and the incoming m/c is same.
CLOSE the generator breaker when the check lamp is green.
''Generator motoring'' alarm comes on.
INCREASE Starting Device to 100%.
RAISE speed reference slightly to increase Gen load, immediately after closing the generator breaker.
Turbine load increases to 20 MW approximately. ''Speed controller'' transfers to 'Load controller'' after some time delay.
i) Phase sequence of generated voltage and system voltage is same.
ii) Effective values of both the voltage are same.
iii) Frequency of both the system and the incoming m/c is same.
CLOSE the generator breaker when the check lamp is green.
''Generator motoring'' alarm comes on.
INCREASE Starting Device to 100%.
RAISE speed reference slightly to increase Gen load, immediately after closing the generator breaker.
Turbine load increases to 20 MW approximately. ''Speed controller'' transfers to 'Load controller'' after some time delay.
21. Gen. voltage and P.F., will be maintained by AVR if the excitation mode is on "Auto", otherwise, maintain Gen. voltage and PF by varying the field rheostat from the Gen. control desk. If excitation mode is on manual, then change over to "Auto" mode after matching the parameters.
Slowly raise the load on Generator upto 80 MW (Follow the guide lines given for loading the machine). Now the voltage and power factor will be maintained by the automatic voltage regulator (AVR).
Slowly raise the load on Generator upto 80 MW (Follow the guide lines given for loading the machine). Now the voltage and power factor will be maintained by the automatic voltage regulator (AVR).
22. Unit Supply Changeover From Station To UAT
Check that the unit auxiliary supply incoming breakers are racked in service position, springs are charged and "Local/Remote" switches are on "Remote" position.
SWITCH-ON synchroscope to CHECK mode.
Synchroscope green lamp comes on after the two voltages are matching
CLOSE UAT (A/B) incomer to Unit bus.
''Unit/Station transformers paralleled'' annunciation comes on.
Immediately OPEN the station breaker.
Check that the unit auxiliary supply incoming breakers are racked in service position, springs are charged and "Local/Remote" switches are on "Remote" position.
SWITCH-ON synchroscope to CHECK mode.
Synchroscope green lamp comes on after the two voltages are matching
CLOSE UAT (A/B) incomer to Unit bus.
''Unit/Station transformers paralleled'' annunciation comes on.
Immediately OPEN the station breaker.
24.CHECK before charging the HP Heaters:
Unit load is more than 120 MW.
HPHs water side inlet/outlet valves OPEN and individual bypass valve are CLOSED.
HPHs group bypass valves are IN-SERVICE position and "HPHs bypassed" alarm is NOT On.
All HPHs shell drains are OPEN.
All HPHs airlines to condenser isolating valves are open.
OPEN HPH-5 extr. steam block vlv ES-5.
After ES-5 is open, extr. line drain DW-73 closes.
HPH-5 alternate drain to condenser HD-31 closes
HPH-5 normal drain to D/A starts modulating to maintain the level.
Feed water temp after HPH-5 starts increasing.
Similarly charge HPH-6 and maintain the drip level.
Put drip level control on Auto.
Unit load is more than 120 MW.
HPHs water side inlet/outlet valves OPEN and individual bypass valve are CLOSED.
HPHs group bypass valves are IN-SERVICE position and "HPHs bypassed" alarm is NOT On.
All HPHs shell drains are OPEN.
All HPHs airlines to condenser isolating valves are open.
OPEN HPH-5 extr. steam block vlv ES-5.
After ES-5 is open, extr. line drain DW-73 closes.
HPH-5 alternate drain to condenser HD-31 closes
HPH-5 normal drain to D/A starts modulating to maintain the level.
Feed water temp after HPH-5 starts increasing.
Similarly charge HPH-6 and maintain the drip level.
Put drip level control on Auto.
25.Capability Curve
Increase the firing rate in the boiler as per the TSE margin and load schedule.
Increase the firing rate in the boiler as per the TSE margin and load schedule.