ISPS Presentation Transcript
The international Ship and Port Facility Security Code is the latest comprehensive code
adopted by IMO. In essence, the Code takes the approach that ensuring the security of
ships and port facilities is basically a risk management activity and that to determine what
security measures are appropriate, an assessment of the risks must be made in each
particular case.
3.The purpose of the Code is to provide a standardized, consistent framework for
evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in
vulnerability for ships and port facilities.
To begin the process, each Contracting Government will conduct port facility security
assessments. Security assessments will have three essential components.
First, they must identify and evaluate important assets and infrastructures that are critical
to the port facility as well as those areas or structures that, if damaged, could cause
significant loss of life or damage to the port facility's economy or environment.
4.Then, the assessment must identify the actual threats to those critical assets and
infrastructure in order to prioritise security measures.
Finally, the assessment must address vulnerability of the port facility by identifying its
weaknesses in physical security, structural integrity, protection systems, procedural
policies, communications systems, transportation infrastructure, utilities, and other areas
within a port facility that may be a likely target. Once this assessment has been
completed, Contracting Government can accurately evaluate risk.
5.This risk management concept will be embodied in the Code through a number of
minimum functional security requirements for ships and port facilities. For ships, these
requirements will include:
· ship security plans
· ship security officers
· company security officers
· certain onboard equipment
For port facilities, the requirements will include:
· port facility security plans
· port facility security officers
· certain security equipment
6.In addition the requirements for ships and for port facilities include:
· monitoring and controlling access
· monitoring the activities of people and cargo
· ensuring security communications are readily available
Because each ship (or class of ship) and each port facility present different risks, the
method in which they will meet the specific requirements of this Code will be determined
and eventually be approved by the Administration or Contracting Government, as the
case may be.
7.The Port Facility
Each Contracting Government has to ensure completion of a Port Facility Security Assessment for each port facility within its territory that serves ships engaged on international voyages. The Port Facility Security Assessment is fundamentally a risk analysis of all aspects of a port facility's operation in order to determine which parts of it are more susceptible, and/or more likely, to be the subject of attack.
Security risk is seen a function of the threat of an attack coupled with the vulnerability of the target and the consequences of an attack
8.On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to produce an overall assessment of the
level of risk. The Port Facility Security Assessment will help determine which port
facilities are required to appoint a Port Facility Security Officer and prepare a Port
Facility Security Plan.
This plan should indicate the operational and physical security measures the port facility should take to ensure that it always operates at security level
9.1.The plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the port facility can take to move to and operate at security level
2 when instructed to do so. It should also indicate the possible preparatory actions the port facility could take to allow prompt response to the instructions that may be issued at security level
3.Ships using port facilities may be subject to port State control inspections and additional control measures. The relevant authorities may request the provision of information regarding the ship, its cargo, passengers and ship's personnel prior to the ship's entry into port. There may be circumstances in which entry into port could be denied.
10.Responsibilities of Contracting Governments
Contracting Governments have various responsibilities, including setting the applicable security level, approving the Ship Security Plan and relevant amendments to a previously approved plan, verifying the compliance of ships with the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and part A of the ISPS Code and issuing the International Ship Security Certificate, determining which port facilities located within their territory are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer, ensuring completion and approval of the Port Facility
11.Security Assessment and the Port Facility Security Plan and any subsequent amendments;
and exercising control and compliance measures. It is also responsible for communicating
information to the International Maritime Organization and to the shipping and port
12.Contracting Governments can designate, or establish, Designated Authorities within
Government to undertake their security duties and allow Recognised Security
Organisations to carry out certain work with respect to port facilities, but the final
decision on the acceptance and approval of this work should be given by the Contracting
Government or the Designated Authority.
13.Amendments to SOLAS
The Conference adopted a series of Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention, aimed at enhancing maritime security on board ships and at ship/port interface areas. Among other things, these amendments create a new SOLAS chapter dealing specifically with maritime security, which in turn contains the mandatory requirement for ships to comply with the ISPS Code.
14.Modifications to Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) contain a new timetable for the fitting of Automatic Information Systems (AIS). Ships, other than passenger ships and tankers of 300 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage, will be required to fit AIS not later than the first safety equipment survey after 1 July 2004 or by 31 December 2004, whichever occurs earlier. Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times except where international agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of navigational information."
Mandatory Requirements Regarding The Provisions Of Chapter XI-2 of The International
Convention For The Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974, as amended
1. General
This outlines the objectives and functional requirements for the code
2. Definitions
This part gives all the relevant definitions
16.3. Application
This Code applies to the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:
Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft; cargo ships, including highspeed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, mobile offshore drilling units; and port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages.
17.4. Responsibilities Of Contracting Governments
This section covers the responsibilities of the contracting governments. Some of the key
points are as given below
Subject to the provisions of SOLAS regulation XI-2/3 and XI-2/7, Contracting Governments shall set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents
18.Contracting Governments may delegate to a recognized security organization certain of their security related duties under chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code with the exception of:
1) setting of the applicable security level;
2) approving a Port Facility Security Assessment and subsequent amendments to an approved assessment;
3) determining the port facilities which will be required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer
19.4) approving a Port Facility Security Plan and subsequent amendments to an
approved plan;
5) exercising control and compliance measures pursuant to regulation XI-2/9
6) establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.
20.5 Declaration Of Security
The Declaration of Security is a document that shall address the security
requirements that could be shared between a port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall state the responsibility for each.
A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:
21.1) the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with;
2) there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security between Contracting Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on Those voyages
3) there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or involving the port facility, as applicable;
22.4) the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port facility security plan; or
5) the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have and implement an approved ship security plan.
23.6. Obligations Of The Company
The Company shall ensure that the ship security plan contains a clear statement emphasizing the master’s authority.
The Company shall establish in the ship security plan that the master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the safety and security of the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any Contracting Government as may be necessary.
24.The Company shall ensure that the company security officer, the master and the ship security officer are given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities in accordance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.
25.7. Ship Security
This section covers the following key points
The actions to be taken by the vessel at different security levels
The actions to be taken if the vessel is operating at a higher security level than the port.
26.8. Ship Security Assessment
This section gives detailed information regarding the SSA. Some of the key points areas follows
The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating the ship security plan
27.The company security officer shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship The ship security assessment shall include an on-scene security survey and, at least, the following elements:
1) identification of existing security measures, procedures and operations;
2) identification and evaluation of key ship board operations that it is important to protect;
28.3) identification of possible threats to the key ship board operations and the
4) likelihood of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security measures; and
5) identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,
6) policies and procedures.
The ship security assessment shall be documented, reviewed, accepted and retained by the Company
Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by the
Administration. The plan shall make provisions for the three security levels as defined in this Part of the Code.
30.The plan shall address, at least, the following:
1) measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which is not authorized from being taken on board the ship
2) identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to them;
31.3) measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship;
4) procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port interface;
5) procedures for responding to any security instructions Contracting Governments may give at security level 3;
32.6) procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;
7) duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other
8) shipboard personnel on security aspects;
9) procedures for auditing the security activities;
33.10) procedures for training, drills and exercises associated with the plan; procedures for interfacing with port facility security activities;
11) procedures for the periodic review of the plan and for updating;
12) procedures for reporting security incidents;
13) identification of the ship security officer;
34.14) identification of the company security officer including 24-hour contact details;
15) procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of any security equipment provided on board;
16) frequency for testing or calibration of any security equipment provided on board;
17) identification of the locations where the ship security alert system activation points are provided
35.18) procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of the ship security alert system, including the testing, activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit false alerts.
10 Records
Records of the following activities addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on board
36.1. training, drills and exercises;
2. security threats and security incidents;
3. breaches of security;
4. changes in security level;
5. communications relating to the direct security of the ship such as specific threats to the ship or to port facilities the ship is, or has been;
6. internal audits and reviews of security activities;
37.7. periodic review of the ship security assessment
8. periodic review of the ship security plan;
9. implementation of any amendments to the plan; and
10. maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board including testing of the ship security alert system.
38.11 Company Security Officer
The duties and responsibilities of the company security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
1. advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using appropriate security assessments and other relevant information;
2. ensuring that ship security assessments are carried out;
3. ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the
implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan;
39.12 Ship Security Officer
The duties and responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
1. undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures are maintained;
2. maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any amendments to the plan;
40.4. proposing modifications to the ship security plan;
5. enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;
6. reporting all security incidents;
41.13.Training, Drills And Exercises On Ship Security
The training required to be given to CSO ,SSO and other ship’s personnel is specified in part B of the code. Drills at 3 monthly intervals and exercises at annual intervals are to be carried out.
42.14 Port Facility Security
This addresses similar security issues for the port such as actions at different levels of security etc.
15 Port Facility Security Assessment
16 Port Facility Security Plan
17 Port Facility Security Officer
18 Training, Drills And Exercises On Port Facility Security
43.19 Verification And Certification For Ships
Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies shall be subject to the verifications specified below:
44.Duration and validity of certificate
19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years
PART B of the ISPS Code provides detailed guidance regarding the provisions of
Chapter XI-2 of the annex to the International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974 as amended and Part A of this code
The international Ship and Port Facility Security Code is the latest comprehensive code
adopted by IMO. In essence, the Code takes the approach that ensuring the security of
ships and port facilities is basically a risk management activity and that to determine what
security measures are appropriate, an assessment of the risks must be made in each
particular case.
3.The purpose of the Code is to provide a standardized, consistent framework for
evaluating risk, enabling governments to offset changes in threat with changes in
vulnerability for ships and port facilities.
To begin the process, each Contracting Government will conduct port facility security
assessments. Security assessments will have three essential components.
First, they must identify and evaluate important assets and infrastructures that are critical
to the port facility as well as those areas or structures that, if damaged, could cause
significant loss of life or damage to the port facility's economy or environment.
4.Then, the assessment must identify the actual threats to those critical assets and
infrastructure in order to prioritise security measures.
Finally, the assessment must address vulnerability of the port facility by identifying its
weaknesses in physical security, structural integrity, protection systems, procedural
policies, communications systems, transportation infrastructure, utilities, and other areas
within a port facility that may be a likely target. Once this assessment has been
completed, Contracting Government can accurately evaluate risk.
5.This risk management concept will be embodied in the Code through a number of
minimum functional security requirements for ships and port facilities. For ships, these
requirements will include:
· ship security plans
· ship security officers
· company security officers
· certain onboard equipment
For port facilities, the requirements will include:
· port facility security plans
· port facility security officers
· certain security equipment
6.In addition the requirements for ships and for port facilities include:
· monitoring and controlling access
· monitoring the activities of people and cargo
· ensuring security communications are readily available
Because each ship (or class of ship) and each port facility present different risks, the
method in which they will meet the specific requirements of this Code will be determined
and eventually be approved by the Administration or Contracting Government, as the
case may be.
7.The Port Facility
Each Contracting Government has to ensure completion of a Port Facility Security Assessment for each port facility within its territory that serves ships engaged on international voyages. The Port Facility Security Assessment is fundamentally a risk analysis of all aspects of a port facility's operation in order to determine which parts of it are more susceptible, and/or more likely, to be the subject of attack.
Security risk is seen a function of the threat of an attack coupled with the vulnerability of the target and the consequences of an attack
8.On completion of the analysis, it will be possible to produce an overall assessment of the
level of risk. The Port Facility Security Assessment will help determine which port
facilities are required to appoint a Port Facility Security Officer and prepare a Port
Facility Security Plan.
This plan should indicate the operational and physical security measures the port facility should take to ensure that it always operates at security level
9.1.The plan should also indicate the additional, or intensified, security measures the port facility can take to move to and operate at security level
2 when instructed to do so. It should also indicate the possible preparatory actions the port facility could take to allow prompt response to the instructions that may be issued at security level
3.Ships using port facilities may be subject to port State control inspections and additional control measures. The relevant authorities may request the provision of information regarding the ship, its cargo, passengers and ship's personnel prior to the ship's entry into port. There may be circumstances in which entry into port could be denied.
10.Responsibilities of Contracting Governments
Contracting Governments have various responsibilities, including setting the applicable security level, approving the Ship Security Plan and relevant amendments to a previously approved plan, verifying the compliance of ships with the provisions of SOLAS chapter XI-2 and part A of the ISPS Code and issuing the International Ship Security Certificate, determining which port facilities located within their territory are required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer, ensuring completion and approval of the Port Facility
11.Security Assessment and the Port Facility Security Plan and any subsequent amendments;
and exercising control and compliance measures. It is also responsible for communicating
information to the International Maritime Organization and to the shipping and port
12.Contracting Governments can designate, or establish, Designated Authorities within
Government to undertake their security duties and allow Recognised Security
Organisations to carry out certain work with respect to port facilities, but the final
decision on the acceptance and approval of this work should be given by the Contracting
Government or the Designated Authority.
13.Amendments to SOLAS
The Conference adopted a series of Amendments to the 1974 SOLAS Convention, aimed at enhancing maritime security on board ships and at ship/port interface areas. Among other things, these amendments create a new SOLAS chapter dealing specifically with maritime security, which in turn contains the mandatory requirement for ships to comply with the ISPS Code.
14.Modifications to Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) contain a new timetable for the fitting of Automatic Information Systems (AIS). Ships, other than passenger ships and tankers of 300 gross tonnage and upwards but less than 50,000 gross tonnage, will be required to fit AIS not later than the first safety equipment survey after 1 July 2004 or by 31 December 2004, whichever occurs earlier. Ships fitted with AIS shall maintain AIS in operation at all times except where international agreements, rules or standards provide for the protection of navigational information."
Mandatory Requirements Regarding The Provisions Of Chapter XI-2 of The International
Convention For The Safety Of Life At Sea, 1974, as amended
1. General
This outlines the objectives and functional requirements for the code
2. Definitions
This part gives all the relevant definitions
16.3. Application
This Code applies to the following types of ships engaged on international voyages:
Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft; cargo ships, including highspeed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards, mobile offshore drilling units; and port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages.
17.4. Responsibilities Of Contracting Governments
This section covers the responsibilities of the contracting governments. Some of the key
points are as given below
Subject to the provisions of SOLAS regulation XI-2/3 and XI-2/7, Contracting Governments shall set security levels and provide guidance for protection from security incidents
18.Contracting Governments may delegate to a recognized security organization certain of their security related duties under chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code with the exception of:
1) setting of the applicable security level;
2) approving a Port Facility Security Assessment and subsequent amendments to an approved assessment;
3) determining the port facilities which will be required to designate a Port Facility Security Officer
19.4) approving a Port Facility Security Plan and subsequent amendments to an
approved plan;
5) exercising control and compliance measures pursuant to regulation XI-2/9
6) establishing the requirements for a Declaration of Security.
20.5 Declaration Of Security
The Declaration of Security is a document that shall address the security
requirements that could be shared between a port facility and a ship (or between ships) and shall state the responsibility for each.
A ship can request completion of a Declaration of Security when:
21.1) the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility or another ship it is interfacing with;
2) there is an agreement on a Declaration of Security between Contracting Governments covering certain international voyages or specific ships on Those voyages
3) there has been a security threat or a security incident involving the ship or involving the port facility, as applicable;
22.4) the ship is at a port which is not required to have and implement an approved port facility security plan; or
5) the ship is conducting ship to ship activities with another ship not required to have and implement an approved ship security plan.
23.6. Obligations Of The Company
The Company shall ensure that the ship security plan contains a clear statement emphasizing the master’s authority.
The Company shall establish in the ship security plan that the master has the overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the safety and security of the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any Contracting Government as may be necessary.
24.The Company shall ensure that the company security officer, the master and the ship security officer are given the necessary support to fulfil their duties and responsibilities in accordance with chapter XI-2 and this Part of the Code.
25.7. Ship Security
This section covers the following key points
The actions to be taken by the vessel at different security levels
The actions to be taken if the vessel is operating at a higher security level than the port.
26.8. Ship Security Assessment
This section gives detailed information regarding the SSA. Some of the key points areas follows
The ship security assessment is an essential and integral part of the process of developing and updating the ship security plan
27.The company security officer shall ensure that the ship security assessment is carried out by persons with appropriate skills to evaluate the security of a ship The ship security assessment shall include an on-scene security survey and, at least, the following elements:
1) identification of existing security measures, procedures and operations;
2) identification and evaluation of key ship board operations that it is important to protect;
28.3) identification of possible threats to the key ship board operations and the
4) likelihood of their occurrence, in order to establish and prioritise security measures; and
5) identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,
6) policies and procedures.
The ship security assessment shall be documented, reviewed, accepted and retained by the Company
Each ship shall carry on board a ship security plan approved by the
Administration. The plan shall make provisions for the three security levels as defined in this Part of the Code.
30.The plan shall address, at least, the following:
1) measures designed to prevent weapons, dangerous substances and devices intended for use against persons, ships or ports and the carriage of which is not authorized from being taken on board the ship
2) identification of the restricted areas and measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to them;
31.3) measures for the prevention of unauthorized access to the ship;
4) procedures for responding to security threats or breaches of security, including provisions for maintaining critical operations of the ship or ship/port interface;
5) procedures for responding to any security instructions Contracting Governments may give at security level 3;
32.6) procedures for evacuation in case of security threats or breaches of security;
7) duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities and of other
8) shipboard personnel on security aspects;
9) procedures for auditing the security activities;
33.10) procedures for training, drills and exercises associated with the plan; procedures for interfacing with port facility security activities;
11) procedures for the periodic review of the plan and for updating;
12) procedures for reporting security incidents;
13) identification of the ship security officer;
34.14) identification of the company security officer including 24-hour contact details;
15) procedures to ensure the inspection, testing, calibration, and maintenance of any security equipment provided on board;
16) frequency for testing or calibration of any security equipment provided on board;
17) identification of the locations where the ship security alert system activation points are provided
35.18) procedures, instructions and guidance on the use of the ship security alert system, including the testing, activation, deactivation and resetting and to limit false alerts.
10 Records
Records of the following activities addressed in the ship security plan shall be kept on board
36.1. training, drills and exercises;
2. security threats and security incidents;
3. breaches of security;
4. changes in security level;
5. communications relating to the direct security of the ship such as specific threats to the ship or to port facilities the ship is, or has been;
6. internal audits and reviews of security activities;
37.7. periodic review of the ship security assessment
8. periodic review of the ship security plan;
9. implementation of any amendments to the plan; and
10. maintenance, calibration and testing of any security equipment provided on board including testing of the ship security alert system.
38.11 Company Security Officer
The duties and responsibilities of the company security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
1. advising the level of threats likely to be encountered by the ship, using appropriate security assessments and other relevant information;
2. ensuring that ship security assessments are carried out;
3. ensuring the development, the submission for approval, and thereafter the
implementation and maintenance of the ship security plan;
39.12 Ship Security Officer
The duties and responsibilities of the ship security officer shall include, but are not limited to:
1. undertaking regular security inspections of the ship to ensure that appropriate security measures are maintained;
2. maintaining and supervising the implementation of the ship security plan, including any amendments to the plan;
40.4. proposing modifications to the ship security plan;
5. enhancing security awareness and vigilance on board;
6. reporting all security incidents;
41.13.Training, Drills And Exercises On Ship Security
The training required to be given to CSO ,SSO and other ship’s personnel is specified in part B of the code. Drills at 3 monthly intervals and exercises at annual intervals are to be carried out.
42.14 Port Facility Security
This addresses similar security issues for the port such as actions at different levels of security etc.
15 Port Facility Security Assessment
16 Port Facility Security Plan
17 Port Facility Security Officer
18 Training, Drills And Exercises On Port Facility Security
43.19 Verification And Certification For Ships
Each ship to which this Part of the Code applies shall be subject to the verifications specified below:
44.Duration and validity of certificate
19.3.1 An International Ship Security Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration which shall not exceed five years
PART B of the ISPS Code provides detailed guidance regarding the provisions of
Chapter XI-2 of the annex to the International convention for the safety of life at sea, 1974 as amended and Part A of this code